A Soulmap Code is a watercolour painting that I channel for you through Galactic Councils of Light. It brings the Remembrance of your Soul Purpose and Soul Mission and helps you to stay Aligned with it on a Higher Harmonics frequency of your Soul's Essence. The original initiation of me painting a Soulmap was when I as a child and I decided to paint it for my mother when she did not feel well. I painted what appeared to be a White Light being on a Rainbow background. When my mother received it she became so joyful and grateful her energy shifted in a quantum. That is how it started for me to channel Higher Frequency Paintings. The Soulmap, therefore, brings the freauencies of the Divine Child and Innocence&Purity.... Through Rays of Light, Shapes, Light Language coding, beings, visions and imagery I tell the story of your Soul at the same time setting intention to make it a Medicine and Original Galactic Blueprint DNA Activation. It's a mean of bringing through Your Intelligent Quantum Light Technology that assists in embodying your Multidimensional Divine Source Self.... Before painting the Soulmap we schedule 1:1 session during which we scan and download the coding which in turn will be Encoded in the Soulmap. Once the Soulmap is finished, it's sent via post. I can also send it in a digital format. To set a date and time of the Session please access this link: https://calendly.com/ennoia-reiki-lightlanguage/private-session-with-hanna-meeting Payment plans are available! Please contact us privately crystalize.your.bee@gmail.com