Variety of 1:1 Light Technology Quantum Healing Sessions in a Sacred Temple Space

✨1:1✨ Divine Life Force Goddess Mentorship✨with a Gifted Andara Amulet & Keycode Soul Purpose Painting✨ With Hanna Ennoia Mentor for Accelerated 5D Metamorphosis ✨🦋✨ ✨3 Months Goddess&Priestess of the Aurora Diamond Crystalline DNA Temple Body ✨Life Force is Sacred✨ ✨Nectar of your Sacred Life Force & Blissful States of Consciousness✨ ✨Unlocking Blocks✨ ✨1:1 Weekly Zoom Session ✨Self-Growth Homeworks ✨Andromedan Aurora Butterfly Journeys for Keycode & Data Expansion ✨Weekly support through WhatsApp messages ✨A Keycode Channeled Artwork for ✨Anchoring your Soul Purpose & Mission Divine Resonance ✨🍏✨Andara Crystal Amulet A 1:1 Mentorship for Mastery through High Consciousness & Diamond DNA Organic Body 1:1 ✨Activations & Guidance Shamanic Energy Support: ✨3D-4D Karmic Debts Completions Support& Mentorship ✨Trauma Bond Release Upgrade to Soul Agreement & Highest Divine Purpose Reconnect with the Body Mentorship on Wellness & Plant Medicine Divine Union Hierogamic Marriage within Mentorship Health & Wealth 3D-4D-5D Beyond Activations & Soul Agreement for the Highest Pure Love Purpose Includes: ✨A 1h Weekly 1:1 Mentorship Session ✨A weekly Check in call & Contact on Whatsapp During the Mentorship, We will be transmitting light Coded Diamond Light activations and offer mentorship and hold space for you while you Ascend to your highest timeline with us, Hanna Ennoia, Divine Source Creator and High Councils of Light. Also: ✨Clairvoyance & Spiritual gifts Restoration ✨Divine Empowerement & Actualization This is an Ascension Mastery Mentorship for Galactic Diamond Earth Star Root Race Human beings.

1:1 Divine Life Force Goddess Mentorship With Hanna Ennoia Mentor for Accelerated 5D Metamorphosis ✨🦋✨ ✨1 Month ✨3 Month ✨6 Month Goddess&Priestess of the Aurora Diamond Crystalline DNA Temple Body ✨Life Force is Sacred✨ ✨Nectar of your Sacred Life Force & Blissful States of Consciousness✨ ✨Unlocking Blocks✨ ✨1:1 Weekly Zoom Session ✨Self-Growth Homeworks ✨Andromedan Aurora Butterfly Journeys for Keycode & Data Expansion ✨Weekly support through WhatsApp messages ✨A Keycode Channeled Artwork for ✨Anchoring your Soul Purpose & Mission Divine Resonance ✨🍏✨Andara Crystal Amulet A 1:1 Mentorship for Mastery through High Consciousness & Diamond DNA Organic Body 1:1 ✨Activations & Guidance Shamanic Energy Support: ✨3D-4D Karmic Debts Completions Support& Mentorship ✨Trauma Bond Release Upgrade to Soul Agreement & Highest Divine Purpose Reconnect with the Body Mentorship on Wellness & Plant Medicine Divine Union Hierogamic Marriage within Mentorship Health & Wealth 3D-4D-5D Beyond Activations & Soul Agreement for the Highest Pure Love Purpose Includes: ✨A 1h Weekly 1:1 Mentorship Session ✨A weekly Check in call & Contact on Whatsapp During the Mentorship, We will be transmitting light Coded Diamond Light activations and offer mentorship and hold space for you while you Ascend to your highest timeline with us, Hanna Ennoia, Divine Source Creator and High Councils of Light. Also: ✨Clairvoyance & Spiritual gifts Restoration ✨Divine Empowerement & Actualization This is an Ascension Mastery Mentorship for Galactic Diamond Earth Star Root Race Human beings.

A Soulmap Code is a watercolour painting that I channel for you through Galactic Councils of Light. It brings the Remembrance of your Soul Purpose and Soul Mission and helps you to stay Aligned with it on a Higher Harmonics frequency of your Soul's Essence. The original initiation of me painting a Soulmap was when I as a child and I decided to paint it for my mother when she did not feel well. I painted what appeared to be a White Light being on a Rainbow background. When my mother received it she became so joyful and grateful her energy shifted in a quantum. That is how it started for me to channel Higher Frequency Paintings. The Soulmap, therefore, brings the freauencies of the Divine Child and Innocence&Purity.... Through Rays of Light, Shapes, Light Language coding, beings, visions and imagery I tell the story of your Soul at the same time setting intention to make it a Medicine and Original Galactic Blueprint DNA Activation. It's a mean of bringing through Your Intelligent Quantum Light Technology that assists in embodying your Multidimensional Divine Source Self.... Before painting the Soulmap we schedule 1:1 session during which we scan and download the coding which in turn will be Encoded in the Soulmap. Once the Soulmap is finished, it's sent via post. I can also send it in a digital format. To set a date and time of the Session please access this link: Payment plans are available! Please contact us privately