About Hanna Ennoia image
Greetings Star Tribe!✨⛲✨

Welcome to our Galactic Diamond Earth Star Website. We Are Here to Activate the Keycodes for your Highest Potential, Expand and Enjoy The New Golden Age Heaven on Earth.

Hanna Ennoia is a Multidimensional Quantum Light Language Channel, Keycode Keeper, Ascension Guide and Cosmic Artist. 

We offer services of Quantum Light Language Crystalline DNA  Light Body Activating and Teaching. Hanna offers private online healing sessions, group events and also creates Light Encoded Art which is the New Technology and Medicine for the 5D Human.

Hanna is also a Galactic Guardian Human Divine Star Being and is here on Earth in this pivotal time To Assist Humanity in Ascension Into Golden Age Heaven On Earth and Experience Pure Love.


Other Embodiments
🌟A Celestial Shaman
🌟A High Priestess
🌟A Star Mother of an Orchid Sirian-Andromedan Lineage
🌟 An Ancient Elder 
🌟 Celestial Oracle and Seer
🌟Medicine Woman

Completed Certifications and Attunements:
💎Certified Light Language Healer and Activator

💎Dragon Reiki Master
💎Arcturian Theta Healing Practitioner

We Are Galactic Ascended Master Star-being of Many Star Systems and part of many High Galactic Councils...

Sirian, Lyran, Andromedan, Arcturian, Anterian, Pleiadian, Orion, Dragon Collective, Emerald &Amethyst Order, Angelic Divine God-Self Diamond DNA Original Blueprint Human of Aurora New Earth.

Infinite Blessings and Love,

Hanna Ennoia is the Embodiment of Christos Sophia of the Blue Ray Through Original Sounds & Ray's of Creation. 

She's A Master Divine Matrix Architect

She's A SuperNovaStar Being

She Has Access to the Divine Alchemy of The Magical and Mystical Realms.
